Ven-Tech Subsea Inspections is a Canadian based commercial diving company, specializing in Subsea/ Marine Inspections and Non Destructive Testing. (Underwater Inspection Alberta).
Ven-Tech Subsea Inspections is certified through the “CSWIP Diver Inspector certification scheme” which is the leading scheme worldwide for the competence and assurance in the field of Underwater Inspection and Non Destructive Testing.
Underwater Inspection Alberta
In response to growing industry demand for subsea NDT services, Ven-Tech Subsea Inspections has developed a full-time team of specialist inspection divers who are formally qualified in advanced NDT techniques (3.1U and 3.2U). These divers are trained through internationally recognized organizations such as TWI International and are qualified to perform tasks such as:
- Ultrasonic digital thickness measurements (metals)
Underwater Inspection Alberta
- Cathodic potential (bathycorrometer) measurement
- Close visual inspection (including concrete/steel/timber)
- Photography
- Videography
- Magnetic particle inspection
- Eddy current testing.
Our underwater photo and video equipment is world class. We provide inspections with reports for clients on a various submerged or semi submerged structures. Clients can monitor underwater video and audio live from the surface. Recordings and photo reports are also available for later assessment or record keeping.