We have qualified and experienced Marine Ecologists, Marine Biologists and Maritime Archaeologist on staff, offering a high level of experience to any environmental project. Scientific Diving Vancouver
Ven-Tech Subsea Environmental has developed safe practical methods of data and sample collection. We have a wide range of monitoring equipment to support our work.
Our Team is made of a group of highly trained, experienced certified divers and are all WCB/CSA certified.
We offer environmental diving services using commercial scuba, surface supply diving and can use Mixed Gases and re-breathers as required.

→Hydrographic →Underwater Photography/ Video →Shoreline Profiling →Pre and Post Dredging
→Benthic Sediment →Pore Water Sampling →Underwater Sediment →Core Sampling
Physical Works
→Treatment of Wood for Fungal and Insect Infestations →Timber, Steel and Concrete Pile Restoration
Development Permits →NWPA Permits →Dredging Permits →Fisheries Act Authorization →Disposal at Sea Permits
Our team of professional divers are trained in underwater/ marine construction, underwater civil engineering, salvage/ recovery, underwater inspections and demolition services nationwide and are available for any marine or underwater project at a moments notice.
Our extensive experience above and below the water, state of the art equipment, technology and unprecedented safety record is what sets us apart from any of the other contractor in Canada. Scientific Diving Vancouver
With our mission to start Canada’s biggest clean up operation of our waterways, coastlines and oceans, we at Ven-Tech Subsea Environmental will donate 5% of our earnings to charities and organizations that support our cause to clean up the oceans for cleaner safer water around the world, to preserve our planet for future generations to come. Scientific Diving Vancouver